Home Learning/Homework
Home Learning is used at St Bartholomew’s School as a tool, to help continue to raise standards of attainment. We believe it can provide opportunities for parents, children and the school to work together in partnership in relation to children’s learning; improve the quality of the learning experience offered to pupils and to extend it beyond the classroom environment and encourage pupils and their parents to share and enjoy learning experiences.
In all year groups we expect children to read and be read to at least three times a week and, ideally, every day for at least 20 minutes. Children will be given books and a reading journal from school to record and monitor what they are reading at home.
Regular updates on our communication platform, Class Dojo, will give advice and instructions on other ways learning can be supported at home.
As children move through the school, additional expectations for learning at home will be introduced, e.g. learning certain times tables or completing project work.
Years 3 and 4
Please see below for the current list of home learning resources:
Y3_4 Maths links
Years 5 and 6
Year 5 Maths Links (2-dimensional figures; polygons; shape-hunt; 3d shapes; shape games)
To access free online games, activities, worksheets and much more to support your child’s learning at home, please take a look at ParentApp.
In year 6 children will be set maths and English work in specific learning books each week. Please support your child when completing this and ensure that it is returned on the correct day.